Friday, January 15, 2010

Using of Technology in the Band Classroom

This year the high school music department is attempting to go green and be paperless. All assignments are submitted via email, Facebook, gaggle, and SmartMusic. We have recently started to use Moodle as a classroom management system. It is my hope to be able to use this to create a consolidated space for Wikis, document distribution, and classroom assessments. This transition hasn't been without its hitches but as students have become more accustom to this "new" way of submitting assignments they are being more successful with it.

1 comment:

merrileehenk said...

I really want to be able to do this as well. I keep hitting road blocks. One is that I don't know how, another is that I don't know who can teach me, and I also don't have those technologies available to my students. I have been digging through the internet trying to figure this out myself and it is not easy. So far I have had my students complete one internet research project that I edited and commented on without printing (using the review, new comment feature in Microsoft Word). They had to use my comments and revise before I would remove the comment. It was very successful in helping them to produce a final product that was the best they have ever done.