Thursday, February 4, 2010

7th Grade Social Studies

In 7th Grade Social Studies, I currently use a Promethean  board in my classroom.  With this board, I incorporate lessons  and maps from the Internet, utilize pertinent You Tubes, Google Earth,  and utilize a Dukane camera projector on occassion    Also, I have used review games and materials designed especially for these types of boards.  Other classroom uses of technology include Word, Powerpoint, the Internet, and Webquests.   I also have a center of excellence, so that my students can regularly conduct Internet research and create reports and projects.  At home, I regularly use SKYPE to communicate with my son in Korea, and other family and friends around the country.  I believe SKYPE would be a wonderful Social Studies tool for my students in the future.



Kathy Willow said...

Sue: We do have SKYPE capabilities in the media center. You may want to try this with your students.

Kathy Willow said...

Sue: We do have SKYPE capabilities in the media center. You may want to try this with your students.