Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Checking on Date Restriction
Friday, February 5, 2010
Holly Waterman, Art 6-8
Kurt Kaskinen
While controversy exists among teachers as to the appropriate use of calculators in the classroom, in my opinion a graphing calculator is an essential teaching tool when used correctly. It appears that is changing.
Low-cost computers and free software applications seem to be the answer. Teaching algebraic concepts with a computer that incorporates the table, graph and equation capacity of a graphing calculator is an exciting idea. Geometry instruction would be much more effective with computers, as calculators are limited for many applications.
If other subject areas are looking to low- cost computers as an attractive technology for the future, the computers could also be used in math. A computer that costs a few hundred dollars makes sense compared to a $125.00 graphing calculator.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
5th Grade
I also use the Promethean Board ActiveInspire for various interactive lessons.
5th Grade Teacher
7th Grade Social Studies
In 7th Grade Social Studies, I currently use a Promethean board in my classroom. With this board, I incorporate lessons and maps from the Internet, utilize pertinent You Tubes, Google Earth, and utilize a Dukane camera projector on occassion Also, I have used review games and materials designed especially for these types of boards. Other classroom uses of technology include Word, Powerpoint, the Internet, and Webquests. I also have a center of excellence, so that my students can regularly conduct Internet research and create reports and projects. At home, I regularly use SKYPE to communicate with my son in Korea, and other family and friends around the country. I believe SKYPE would be a wonderful Social Studies tool for my students in the future.