Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Checking on Date Restriction

Several people have indicated that they can't access to post to the blog. I don't have a time restriction set. I'm posting to see if the restriction appears for the originator.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Holly Waterman, Art 6-8

The only technology that I use in my classroom is a powerpoint presentation every once in awhile, but lately i have been finding difficulty finding a projector that works.  I attempt to do research projects with my students, but computer usage is not available during my afternoon classes at all times.  

Kurt Kaskinen

While controversy exists among teachers as to the appropriate use of calculators in the classroom, in my opinion a graphing calculator is an essential teaching tool when used correctly. It appears that is changing.

Low-cost computers and free software applications seem to be the answer. Teaching algebraic concepts with a computer that incorporates the table, graph and equation capacity of a graphing calculator is an exciting idea. Geometry instruction would be much more effective with computers, as calculators are limited for many applications.

If other subject areas are looking to low- cost computers as an attractive technology for the future, the computers could also be used in math. A computer that costs a few hundred dollars makes sense compared to a $125.00 graphing calculator.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

I use technology in my classroom as a source of information, to print coloring pages that go along with our curriculum, as well for as math and reading practice. The students really enjoy the phonics practice on Starfall.com.   The internet is an additional  curriculum resource for our science and social studies classes.  Students are learning how to save and print their own work on Microsoft Word.  

5th Grade

I currently teach 5th Grade Social Studies, Science, Math, and Health. Students use technology to research and gather information for various projects, word processing for typing up word documents for these projects and various assignments, and some basic use of spread sheets.
I also use the Promethean Board ActiveInspire for various interactive lessons.

5th Grade Teacher

7th Grade Social Studies

In 7th Grade Social Studies, I currently use a Promethean  board in my classroom.  With this board, I incorporate lessons  and maps from the Internet, utilize pertinent You Tubes, Google Earth,  and utilize a Dukane camera projector on occassion    Also, I have used review games and materials designed especially for these types of boards.  Other classroom uses of technology include Word, Powerpoint, the Internet, and Webquests.   I also have a center of excellence, so that my students can regularly conduct Internet research and create reports and projects.  At home, I regularly use SKYPE to communicate with my son in Korea, and other family and friends around the country.  I believe SKYPE would be a wonderful Social Studies tool for my students in the future.


7th Grade Language Arts

While I use Comic Life, Photoshop, Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and the internet in my Tech & Comm class, I unfortunately don't get much of a chance to use technology in the classroom.  We type up papers and I have an overhead projector of my own, but I need to borrow an LCD projector whenever I do demonstrations with the computer.  I have had my students research on the internet, and we'll do a powerpoint on job research later on.  I'm working on trying to incorporate more Comic Life and Imovie into the curriculum, but that's a work in progress!

Denise Middle School Guidance Counselor

How I use technology?
The promethean boards that about half our MS classrooms have are wonderful.  It is so great to present classroom lessons on them instead of on an overhead.  They are so much more effective. For the MS career unit I use the WISCareers website that our school subscribes to with classroom guidance lessons and with the 8th grade career unit I teach within Tech. and Comm.  I also regularly use many great websites that are out there to teach lessons.  For example, cyber bullying, Stop bullying now, Always Changing Puberty education to name a few.  Maybe this blog will give me more new ideas in which I can use technology in my field?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Sixth Grade Math

The teacher is the primary user of technology in sixth grade math.  Beside email, the internet, and contribute, the overhead is used although we (co teachers) are exploring use of the special ed department's portable promethean board.  Occasionally students will have opportunities to research on the 3 classroom computers, or create data visuals using excel.  A portable projector is available as it is shared with another classroom.

Monday, February 1, 2010

US History

Use the LCD projector daily for student news programs and teacher tube.  Student make power point presentations for various history topics.  Use some teacher generated power point presentations. Occasionally use Email and Wiki with other staff or student assignments.