Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Checking on Date Restriction
Friday, February 5, 2010
Holly Waterman, Art 6-8
Kurt Kaskinen
While controversy exists among teachers as to the appropriate use of calculators in the classroom, in my opinion a graphing calculator is an essential teaching tool when used correctly. It appears that is changing.
Low-cost computers and free software applications seem to be the answer. Teaching algebraic concepts with a computer that incorporates the table, graph and equation capacity of a graphing calculator is an exciting idea. Geometry instruction would be much more effective with computers, as calculators are limited for many applications.
If other subject areas are looking to low- cost computers as an attractive technology for the future, the computers could also be used in math. A computer that costs a few hundred dollars makes sense compared to a $125.00 graphing calculator.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
5th Grade
I also use the Promethean Board ActiveInspire for various interactive lessons.
5th Grade Teacher
7th Grade Social Studies
In 7th Grade Social Studies, I currently use a Promethean board in my classroom. With this board, I incorporate lessons and maps from the Internet, utilize pertinent You Tubes, Google Earth, and utilize a Dukane camera projector on occassion Also, I have used review games and materials designed especially for these types of boards. Other classroom uses of technology include Word, Powerpoint, the Internet, and Webquests. I also have a center of excellence, so that my students can regularly conduct Internet research and create reports and projects. At home, I regularly use SKYPE to communicate with my son in Korea, and other family and friends around the country. I believe SKYPE would be a wonderful Social Studies tool for my students in the future.
7th Grade Language Arts
Denise Middle School Guidance Counselor
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Sixth Grade Math
Monday, February 1, 2010
US History
Saturday, January 30, 2010
CRS can also be used to vote. For example, I read aloud a "Choose your own path" type of book, and at each decision point, we used the voters. Majority determined the path the hero of the book would follow. The kids really enjoyed this interactive read!
Friday, January 29, 2010
Kindergarten Technology
Technology in Kindergarten
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Title One
Terry Benoy
A twist on a precalc review
Technology in Early Childhood
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Second Grade Technology
Adrienne Gyllen
Second Grade
Technology in First Grade
How I use technology in my classroom
Ipods. I use iTunes to download podcasts to contiually monitor new things going on in education and the rest of the world. Most podcasts are free and have the lastest and greatest of what is going on in science and techology. Students used iPods in my classroom to study symbols of elements. I put the names into a program that made flash cards. Students loved these. I'm still working on other ways I might be able to use these in the classroom.
Webquests. I have one or two of these for most of the units that I teach. They are interactive and do a much better job of presenting the information than the textbook. Last unit we used a site that presented Earth History--not of of the most exciting topics, but the students were totally engage.
Promethean Board. I've used this a dozen or so times. It was somewhat useful. Lecture is really not my strength, but it is helpful at times for presenting and reviewing information. I have been reading an interesting blog on this topic.
Some of the technology that I have played with personally, but haven't gotten around to using in my classroom are:
Skype. Connecting with people around the world. I have this at home and it worked great for talking to a friend in Jamaica.
Moodle. Not sure how I can use it yet, but it looks interesting.
Google apps. This would allow students to collaborate more easily outside of school.
Flash. I understand it well enough to realize that students could do some incredible science projects with it, but not well enough to jump into a project yet.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Technology in Fourth Grade
Fourth grade students use the program Type to Learn. They learn, practice, and increase keyboarding skills. Our students use Word to write final copies of their essays as well as completing other writing assignments. They also learn the basics for PowerPoint. They create a slide show presentation to accompany their speeches.
I use the the website entitled Spellingcity to supplement the spelling program. Students can access the site at home and practice spelling skills. I enter the weekly spelling lists. The programs creates lessons, games, a practice test, and spelling tips for the students that go along with the list!
Students also learn how to use the Web to find information when they are completing their research project.
All subject material is supplemented in some way with the use of the websites, interactive games and on-line lessons.
I don't want to be a neanderthal
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Technology in 4K
Friday, January 15, 2010
Using of Technology in the Band Classroom
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Responding to Save Me Time
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Web Page
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Promethean Boards
Motivated but in need of skills
I think the use of virtual tours available online, such as the White House and the Grand Canyon, would make great story starters as well as give a real life visual to instruction and I plan to use these. I would like to see those who make good use of some of these tools provide direction to those of us who would like to, but don't know how. Please share your great ideas!
Another thing I have found beneficial is to teach a math concept, then allow the students to practice it on the computer in one of the available sites. We need more sites available to us and in a wider range of subjects.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Technology in the Classroom
I also use video and audio materials from time to time such as brainpop and youtube to get information that I feel is more present day for the students. Students seem to be turned off by the materials if they are not something they can relate to so the 1960 films and videos are only a laughing tool and not something they take seriously from what I can see. The Internet has opened up a lot of information that can show real life situation that the students can relate to. I try whenever possible to use materials that are relevant.
I have also been trying to use the ipod touch to see if there is a practical application for classroom use. I have found several fun and interesting ways to use it but with the electronics policies and Internet usages I haven't utilized any of these with students yet. I will, however, keep looking for ways to make it useful.
Digital Storytelling
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Purpose of the Blog
Secondly, the sharing of information will allow other staff to know who to access to learn about the use of strategies and practices. This will also provide you an opportunity to use a Web 2.0 tool and explore a strategy for 21st Century Learning.
Please post your responses to this question with some detail on your use. Complete your entry by Friday, February 12, 2010. All staff are required to post an entry. Thanks!
What effective teaching and learning practices, which infuse technology, are you using in your classroom?